Photography Tour

The best photography seasons in the Baltic Sea are May, August and October. The spring that really started in May is full of greenery, cauliflowers and dandelions all over the ground; August is sunny, creative time is long, there are many festivals, and the cultural scene is colorful; the broad leaves are red in October, a scene of bumper harvest, the color of the earth gorgeous.

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Fun Tour

In addition to visiting the scenic spots of the Baltic countries, you will experience the most characteristic folklore, food and customs of the Baltic Sea, walk into the real slow life, and feel the gift of history and nature to this land.

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Nature Tour

The Baltic countries are sparsely populated and have high forest coverage. The ecological environment is the best in the world. It is a tourist attraction far away from the sea of ​​people, and goes deep into the nature reserve to experience the good ecology here. During the hunting season, legal hunting can also be arranged to feel the simple nature and wildness.

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Culture Tour

The Baltic countries have been under the rule of the great powers for a long time in history, and their culture has been influenced by different regions. Because they are located in the northeast corner of Europe, they have retained the simplicity of the aborigines. On the other hand, small countries that belong to the ranks of developed countries have many cultural and artistic works of high value and taste, which will be presented one by one on the journey.

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